lunar probe

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lunar probe

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:53:15

英 [ˈlju:nə prəub]

美 [ˈlunɚ prob]

lunar probe基本解释



  • 网络解释

1. 月球探测器:lunar payload 探月酬載 | lunar probe 月球探測器 | lunar rainbow 月虹

  • 临近词
A typical orbit of lunar probe includes earth parking orbit segment, earth-moon transfer orbit segment, lunar satellite orbit segment and moon-landing orbit segment.(典型的月球探测器飞行轨道包括地球停泊轨道段、地月转移轨道段、月球卫星轨道段和着月轨道段。)
China's 2nd lunar probe completes final braking.(嫦娥二号成功完成最后的近月制动。)
Both the audio clip and the tune "Song of Joy" were carried to space by the lunar probe satellite along with 30 other classical Chinese tunes.(这段语音和乐曲是在“嫦娥I号”飞天、绕月前特别搭载的,同时搭载的还有30首中华经典乐曲。)
This paper studies the attitude large Angle slew problem that rate and control moment of the lunar probe are limited.(研究了月球探测器转速与控制力矩受限的姿态大角度机动问题。)
Chinese scientists unveiled their latest lunar probe, the Chang'e 4, on Wednesday, saying it will be launched in December on a mission to land on the far side of the moon.(周三,中国科学家揭开了新一代月球探测器嫦娥四号的面纱,并表示嫦娥四号将于12月发射,执行在月球背面着陆的任务。)
Around 2013, China plans to launch a lunar probe that will set a rover loose on the moon.(至2013年左右,中国计划发射探月器(在月球释放软着陆器)。)
China officially approved its lunar probe program in 2004, with its first step being the launch of a satellite to orbit the moon.(中国官方在2004年通过了发射月球探测器方案,这是发射探月卫星的第一步。)
Therefore, the direct collocation method is a viable approach to lunar probe soft landing trajectory optimization problem.(因此,直接配点法对于再入轨迹优化问题的求解是可行的。)
Lunar exploration is of great importance for human, design of lunar probe trajectory is the vanguard of lunar exploration project.(月球探测对人类具有重大的意义,月球探测器轨道设计是月球探测工程的先导。)
In December 2012, the Chang 'e-2 lunar probe made a successful observation trip over asteroid 4179 (Toutatis).(2012年12月,“嫦娥二号”月球探测器成功实施图塔·蒂斯小行星飞越探测。)
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